Since returning home, Uganda and East Africa connections have been coming out of the woodwork. It’s been simply amazing and mind blowing to see how God has been working once I said my “Yes”.  I plan to go sometime within the next 11 months and will be doing a blog to chronicle how this all rolls out.  Our God is a God of surprises and awesome power.

One of the connections is a Kenyan film company that works with youth in the Kibera slums outside Nairobi. I received an email from a friend in NYC asking if I would be willing to mentor and work with the founder of the company. Ken became my first Skype client and an entirely new picture of what might be possible started to emerge for me. Ken founded a company that trains youth from the slums in how to produce film, video, and TV programs. They do the work commercially and earn money to pay for college. It’s an awesome model and has been working well for them. I was asked to use the One Page Business Plan with him to help take it to the next level. I loved the model and saw great similarity to a nonprofit (Hopeworks in Camden) that I’ve been involved with for many years. They do something very similar… equip youth in Camden who have dropped out, or are in danger of dropping out, with computer knowledge (web site design, GIS, etc.) so they can finish high school and go on to college. Both groups provide hope… and training that leads to a way out of current circumstances and the possibility of a better, more productive life. What a coincidence!